Tanishq Ad Controversy | The Problem With Selective Secularism
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The Controversial Tanishq Ad is another in a long line of ads showing selective secularism. The new "ekatvam" ad from Tanishq Jewellers shows a Hindu-Muslim wedding and caused a lot of outrage on social media. So much so, that Tanishq eventually removed the ad.
Was the ad removed because secular India is gone, and Indians don't want to see peaceful coexistence of two religions as suggested by Shashi Tharoor and Chetan Bhagat? Did Tanishq delete the ad because of the extremism of trolls?
I argue that deleting the ad had a different motivation. I also argue that it's actually the woke capitalism of companies and the selective secularism of enlightened intellectuals that is to blame for anger against such ads. Video explained in Hindi.
Such wokeness and selective secularism is the main reason for interfaith discord and mistrust.
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0:00 Tanishq Controversial Ad
1:12 Woke Capitalism
3:05 Hypocrisy Of Secular Intellectuals
7:11 Problem Of One-Sided Respect
#BoycottTanishq #tanishq #LoveJihad
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What did you think of the response to the Tanishq Ad? Let me know in the comments!
@Shivani A you took the right step in ur life leaving the Muslim guy else who knows what they would have done to you!
@Ashok yes we all have seen Nikita Tomar’s case…and many other are there!! Its high time HINDUS need to wake up and remain UNITED!
@Sasidharan Karthikeyan truly agree with you…!
13 percent Hindus reside in my country. In every dept of public University there are atleast 3-5 hindues. Hindus migrate due to matrimony, jobs and for better future
in India . Dont compare us with Pakistan, Afghanistan. Bangladesh is
the most unique country of Orient
In India, Christians follow Christianity
Muslims follow Islam
Hindus follow Secularism
Now It’s time to kick the fake seculars out of the country.
80% kuch apne hi dharm ke log fake secular hai☹️
@Lakshay R S G andhbhakto ki kami nhi hai desh mein dekh lo delhi ke election mein hi BJP ka 38 percent vote tha matlab log itne brainless hai
Let Tanishq take the same add with a Muslim girl getting married into a Hindu family…! Then we can see the real explosions 💥💥💥
@A Rana Production Ldh sahi. khud hi kaafi hai
@Gitanjali Natrajan
Let’s consider a add showing a muslim girl is married in a hindu family, and that family observing a muslim festival like eid to make that girl happy. Will you be satishfied then? At that time, there will be not any disagreement from your side? Please ask the question to youself.
@Rahul Singh INDIA ko jala de, Kisi mei DUM nahi… LONG LIVE INDIA
Exactly. they cant do…
Desh jalvaogi kya madam
I would not fly on a plane with Sham Sharma. He would instantly destroy the left-wing
@Javed Husain Being treated as object wait what ,😂😂😂 who is telling it 🥴🥴 dropped on foetus u have came to see LOL again an old age less aware dumb arguement about time when people weren’t educated.. talk about now Hindu women’s shining in every field and Muslim women on bed under their burqas…☺️
Dude are you the god of humour 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👍👍👍👍👍
Sometimes even the extreme right wing 😂
@Sujata Agarwal ngl that was a bit rough😂
@Javed Husain And it’s a good thing that you have got real education rather than jihad and Terriosts teaching.. And LOL dowry system is sooo old now u r living in old age 😂😂😂 …Goo bomb a city first …
I didn’t understand the controversy regarding this ad at first but then you made some good points. Gadar movie example was good one. Also you are right if the marriage is between a hindu and a Sikh there would be no controversy… literally no one would care.
Is sikh and hindu different?
Hey can you talk about channels like scoopwhoop and some other channels and how they are running their propaganda!?
what did scoopwhoop do ?
Ya your are right hathras k case m unlog n video banaya jo ki sahi tha but nikita tomar m nhi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvqPORH20VM this is called AD
In delhi, someone called rahul rajput was murdered by beating to death, because he loved an muslim girl..
@Mohit Krishna rembered he was thrashed not mudered 😠😤 unlike Rahul Rajput who was murdered and not just beaten 😟😩
@i m indian @i m indian @i m indian nahi bhai call karke bulaya tha for coaching aur jab woh samne aya toh usko Lynch karke maar diya 😠
And nobody came to save him 😠
@Shweta Kumari Rip Secularism 😂😆🤣
This happened even in Vijayawada, but that can’t be seen by media.
What to do for those hindus n speaking against hindus only.
@Abhishek Shrevastav they are the real cancer……i think we must just make more and more people aware and educated on the topic………that will not eliminate the problem…but will surely empower everyone and definitely help with the situation..
for example,there are kids who don’t acknowledge the fact that there is so much bias going on around hindus because they have been seeing and learning fron those one sided biased secular people…we need to teach our younger generations how beautiful and scientific our culture and religion is…..stuff like ayurveda and yoga can’t be generated in a stupid society..that shows how intelligent and science oriented our culture has always been…hinduism has been equally advanced in astronomy and astrology as well…..we need to tell them how non violent and inclusive our beliefs are,,,no wonder india has never attacked on any country first in the last 10000 years….we have just defended ourselves we never looted or tried to rule other places….infact we always accepted and loved whoever came from the outside…….and so it’s important that more and more people come to know that hinduism or hindu beliefs are not what the media is showing them…….it got a bit long but i just couldn’t control myself…
They can be simply termed as ….Biike hue Gaddar
@Atul Gautam then?
they are not real hindus ….they are called pseudoliberals
Read about it.
Irony is Secularism is adopted, followed and preached by Hindus to Hindus, no one else cares about them! ha ha ha.. ROFL.
@HK khan propaganda busted already.
@Ankan Faratesxwell in how many of those countries 200 million muslims live ?
सेकुलरिज्म सिर्फ हिंदुओं को काटने के लिए बनाया गया है धीरे धीरे
Sahi baat hai Yaar Mere pooja path Mai
Kise Hindu ko Intrest ni hai Bhagwaan naam nahi lena Hai Faaltu ke baat krna hai
Sham Sharma did shows Veedu Vidz and Harris Sultan who are making fun of Hindu Goddess Sita live on YouTube. If Sham Sharma doesn’t make a video criticising these people with whom he collaborated earlier, we will boycott sham Sharma show https://youtu.be/8D7XBjLHD68
Agar Hindu Hoto yeh video zarur Pura dekhe….
सबको पता है की सनातन धर्म में किसी तरीके से कोई भेदभाव नहीं है हमारा मानना है कि हम एक ही वृक्ष के चार टहनी है हिंदू जैन बौद्ध सिख इसलिए हमारे इतने अच्छा संबंध है हमारा एक समुदाय हमारे दूसरे समुदाय को मिटाना नहीं चाहता इसलिए हमारे समुदाय में किसी प्रकार की कोई भेदभाव नहीं की जाती
I hate secularism
Means : fake secularism
I made videoo on laxmi bomb dekhlena😡 zra
@Samiksha Singh truth of Muslims
Beta tu abhi 16 saal ka he Md. Bin Qasim bhi 16 saal ka tha jab Bharat Versh ke Sindh desh me Arab se aaya tha Raja Dahir ka gala katne jo apni Sagi Bahan se shadi kya tha.
Tum nhi us tarah bahadur niklo ye HINDU-MUSLIM ke jhanjhat me mt pado.
Agar bolna he to SACH ko hi bolo.. inlogo ki tarah ‘JHOOT’ mt bolna seekho.
You forgot about PK where hindu family opposed the marriage with a muslim boy.
In Karnataka, a small boy of age 17 years raised voice against cow slaughterng. He was killed.
In Shimoga a boy was lynched for talking against cow slaughtering and the whole town shut down for a week exactly after 10 years
How media interprets what Narendra Modi says:*
Reporter:- Sir, what do you eat during Navratri?
Modi : I only eat one single fruit in this Navratri.
Reporter :- PM Sir; which fruit will you Eat ?
Modi:- Papaya
NDTV :- Breaking news …
Modi does not like Mangoes; Banana; etc.He only eats *Papaya.*
Surjewala :- Modi like *Papaya* means Saffron in color.
This means Saffronisation of food choice
Shekhar Gupta :- This means Modi is only promoting Hindutva.
He does not like green fruits means he is against Muslims.
This clearly shows Modi has no feelings for Muslims.
Mamata – I will put a ban on *papaya* in Bengal.
Rahul Gandhi:- My favorite Fruit is Banana ….I will never eat *Papaya.*
Barkha Dutt : The nation wants to know why Modi likes *Papaya* more than other fruits .
Mehbooba Mufti :- Modi doesn’t like kashmiri Apple.This is Modi’s tactic to usurp Kashmir. We will not allow this to happen.
Yechuri:- Selecting an expensive fruit like *Papaya* shows Modi is pro- capitalist. We would ask for a Judicial enquiry.
Kejriwal:- Traditionally AAM (mango) is considered the King of Fruits.
Modi is anti aam aadmi.
Ravish Kumar (sabse Dara hua admi) : Modi has betrayed his ugly, communal façade by declaring that he likes *Papaya.* By deliberately avoiding green guavas from the list of fruits he likes, Modi has clearly demonstrated his anti-Muslim, communal mentality. He is Polarising the nation.modi is creating darr ka mahol in a secular nation.
Dhruv rathee: modi is a propogandist and who will eat papaya is a bhakt is a bhakt. India’s GDP is not well and modi is eating saffron papaya.
Akash banerjee:by eating papaya modi is making india fascist as papaya is saffron in color.
A Tweet by Rajdeep Sardesai : “Modi likes *Papaya* an Indian fruit which mean he hates Olives, the Italian fruit. This shows a narrow nationalism. These RSS people have no international taste & class”
Mani Shankar Aiyar : Modi is a rotten *Papaya* and must therefore be immediately removed from the basket. Otherwise all Papayas in the basket will rot. A rotten *Papaya* like modi has no place in the secular, all-inclusive basket of India.
Alpesh Thakor – मोदीजी विश्व का सबसे महंगा पपीता खाते है
Pawan khera – मोदीजी विश्व के सबसे उच्च किस्म के पपीते से facial करवाते है.
kanhaiya kumar – मोदीजी केवल पपीते का केसरी भाग खाते है और हरे भाग को काट कर फैंक देतें है मोदी ने देश को तोड़ दिया.
Sadanand Dhume quoting Rupa –
“As per an eminent economist, eating only *Papaya* can reduce consumption of other food, thus lowering Indian GDP growth by 100 basis points.”
600 Theatre Artists, 100 Filmmakers, 103 Economists, Civil society groups and Award Wapsi brigade has issued a Combine statement urging Indians to boycott Papaya , as this fruit is damaging the unity & integrity of India.
🤔 *This is how media interprets…* 😀🤪
That is so trueee😂
One of the best comments I have ever read . 🤩🤩🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ohhhhhhh bhaiiiiiii😂😂😂😂
Waah kya observation hai.!
Well said 😂😂😂
हिन्दू बहु : मम्मी यह रस्म तो आप के घर में होती भी नहीं
मुस्लिम सास : हमारे घर में जो रस्म होती है ( हलाला) उसे TV पर थोड़ी ही दिखा सकते , पगली !
Kya baat boli h bhai.👌
🤣🤣haste haste pet dard ho gya
Sham Sharma did shows Veedu Vidz and Harris Sultan who are making fun of Hindu Goddess Sita live on YouTube. If Sham Sharma doesn’t make a video criticising these people with whom he collaborated earlier, we will boycott sham Sharma show https://youtu.be/8D7XBjLHD68
Agar Hindu Hoto yeh video zarur Pura dekhe…..
अगर तनिष्क में हिम्मत है तो एक और विज्ञापन बनाए जिसमें हिन्दू लड़का और मुस्लिम लडकी हो और उसको ईद के मौके पर रिलीज करें, देखो कैसा बवाल होता है। संभालना मुश्किल हो जाएगा।
Sabse bada sawal
, bache ka khatna hoga ya mundan ”
Khatana definetly
चेतन भगत को दिल्ली का राहुल राजपूत का केस याद नही आया जो वास्तविक घटना है, एड की झूठी और भ्रामक दिवास्वप्न के समर्थन में आ गये।
Its a nice ad on paper. But… the hypocrisy of it is what angers me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvqPORH20VM this is called AD